He was the game expert for Beridus.
He knew what games to play and how
the systems should be applied. An
expert at all forms of gaming for over
40 years. The original founder of the
idea for an investment fund based on
winnings from successful wagering.
He passed away in a plane crash.
Story by J. Rand Casteill - January
issue of “TL Investment News”
“There’s no way to stop them! They
seem to play like anyone else,
appearing lucky at times but always
winning steadily. The incredible
methods they use are their secret
weapon. They attack all casinos
and race tracks everywhere in the
country on a rotating basis. They
win millions but always disguise
their play so the casinos never know
exactly who they are individually,
but when the casinos add up their
losses for a given period they realize
they are losing to an unknown but
extremely powerful organization!
The players (or agents) are well
trained and are rotated frequently
so they are only seen in the same
casino once every two or three
months. Each group of agents is
organized under a central manager
who watches their play while in the
casino. The manager knows how
much each agent buys in for and
what is expected in hourly winnings
per player. Any player suspected
of not following the rules exactly or
hiding money is let go. No player
wants to be fired because they
receive a percentage of the overall
fund for as long as they are part of
the group.
The procedure works almost the
same way for horse racing, but
without a central manager, because
all plays that must be made are
known in advance. At race tracks
and race and sports books in
Nevada betting on racing is done
gradually by several players to avoid
sudden changes in the odds!
The “Beridus Fund” is a private fund
and you can invest by invitation
only. The criteria they use to select
investors is a secret but they say
they are looking for a specific type
of investor. I tried but they refused
me! They have achieved an average
return of over 65% per year for
investors but the group actually
profits much more than that! Agents,
area managers, and players are
very well paid and big bonuses are
paid frequently for extra loyalty.
To my knowledge, this is the only
investment fund of its kind!
The fund has recently moved
outside the country to be more
centrally located with new
investment possibilities in other
countries with expanding gambling.
Profits are expected to much greater
outside the country because of the
lack of experience of casino and
racetrack management in these new
If you get a solicitation from them
you better at least inquire about
it. It may be your only chance to
participate in this life-changing